We redecked the Military Avenue Bridge over the Big Sioux River using our containment design platform, which provided construction access and caught debris during removal of the original deck even as the river was at or near flood stage for the duration of the project. Temporary stabilization of girder sections was required, along with temporary supports for live 8-inch sanitary force main and gas main, as well as a live telecom bank. All bearings were replaced, and part of the abutment substructure was removed and replaced. New structural steel was retrofitted to existing girders and the deck included 408×62-foot 8-inch-thick concrete. The bridge rail was formed in a stacked stone pattern and topped with an ornate, high performance coasted pedestrian barrier rail. This highly aggressive redeck project was completed in 150 days.
Project Quantities:
• 408×62 feet of 8-inch-thick concrete
• 854 linear feet bridge rail