Eastern Hills Drive connects US-6 and IA-92. The project consisted of thousands of feet of concrete pipe and two large box culverts for storm drainage. The 8-inch-thick concrete roadway and bike trail was the keynote of the project and includes the city’s first roundabout. The project successfully transferred heavy rural and suburban traffic off State Orchard Road/Greenview Road and onto the new Eastern Hills Drive.
Project Quantities:
• 2 box culverts containing 614,000 pounds of rebar and 3,894 cu yards of concrete
• 5,261 linear feet of concrete pipe
• More than 50 utility crossings
• 12,690 linear feet of roadway pipe underdrain
• 27,262 sq feet of 8-inch concrete pavement
• 6,261 sq yards of bike path
• 94,665 cu yards of topsoil, topsoil stripping, embankment